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Open Position

Technical Project Manager

Technical Project Manager

Technical Project Manager

Job ID: vNKS


Lakewood, NJ

Lakewood, NJ



Primary Tech
Primary Tech

Project Manager

Project Manager

Position Details


  • Plan and manage software projects from conception to completion.

  • Coordinate with a global team of software developers to ensure timely delivery of projects.

  • Implement systems and process to keep project details organized.

  • Monitor project progress, and mitigate potential roadblocks.

  • Fast thinker with intellectual acumen.

  • Strong organizational abilities and attention to detail.

  • Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills.

  • Experience as a software engineer a plus.

We are an all-dev shop with a unique structured development approach that allows us to move at the speed of light. Our edge? Deep technical knowledge, systems and processes, and proprietary software at the hands of a rockstar technology professionals. As part of our team, you'll have the opportunity to manage technical projects with a lot of opportunity for growth. If you value systems and process, speed, and efficiency and have a few years of experience in the software industry we would like to hear from you.

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Precise talent for your
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Precise talent for your
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Precise talent for your teams needs